Tend Patient Onboarding

A personal, HIPAA-compliant booking experience for a new era of dental care.

Tech Stack:

  • React
  • Redux
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Sorbet

Tech Approach:

  • HIPAA compliance
  • Legacy integrations
  • UX development


Sanctuary Computer worked with Tend to build a HIPAA-compliant booking experience for dental care. We integrated legacy medical record systems with modern technology to create a great user experience from first click to first booking.

Project Overview:

  1. 1.

    Built a seamless front-end experience for bookings appointments, that hid a lot of complexity under the hood

  2. 2.

    Worked with the Tend Team to integrate modern APIs with a legacy practice management system

  3. 3.

    Built a complex insurance calculator that can accurately estimate how much a patient will pay for care

Bridging the gap between great design and precise development

Working tightly with Tend's internal product design team, we carefully realized their designs and interactions, working against motion mocks and Figma files to bring the booking system to life to fluidly guide patients through the process of booking their first appointment.

Turning legacy systems into modern experiences

Dental practices have a lot of data requirements when it comes to managing patient records, billing and insurance. In order to facilitate these needs, we worked with the Tend team to write a deep integration into their in-house practice management system.

Building complete price transparency

To help patients navigate the confusing world of dental insurance, we wrote a proprietary calculator that would take in basic eligibility information, and working against the associated CDT codes, premiums, deductibles and more, return an accurate estimate for the of cost their procedure.

Shortly after launch, Tend raised tens of millions in investment, and received glowing press in Fast Company, Techcrunch and others - let's just say it wasn't acciDENTAL.